The role of the Beadle
This blog article was update on 13 January 2024.
Ancient offices such as that of the Ale Conners, the Bridge Masters, the Chief Commoner, the Clerk to the Chamberlain's Court, the Secondary, and the Undersheriff are just a few among the panoply of robe wearing; sceptre, mace or sword bearing custodians of the City's traditions.
The Beadle is the one office holder which is common to both the City of London Wards and to its many Livery Companies, yet in typical City style the role is not the same in every Company and certainly not between the Companies and the City. Such is the way of the City that delights in creating myriad exceptions to, and variations on, a common theme!
The role of Beadle probably grew out of the ecclesiastical role of Verger, and to this day the Verger of St Paul's Cathedral wears a gown which is of the same general design as that worn by Livery Company Beadles, with one notable exception. In times past other City institutions also employed Beadles, most notably the Bank of England where they were doorkeepers and first line security. The Chamberlain's Court of the City of London has its own Beadles who ensure the smooth running of Freedom ceremonies.
In times past when Livery Companies had many young apprentices in their charge, the Beadle was responsible for their discipline, and today a Company Beadle might have a quiet word in the ear of any Freeman or Liveryman who requires a bit of close quarter counselling on his or her dress, behaviour or timekeeping. If the Court of a Livery Company awards a fine for misbehaviour to one of the Company's Freemen or Liverymen, it is the Beadle who is responsible for administering the fine.
Perhaps it is for this reason that Livery Companies Beadles are often former police officers, non-commissioned officers, or warrant officers from the Armed Forces. Certainly the Beadle must be adaptable to deal with all manner of persons and situations.
During ceremonial events it is the Beadle who calls the gathering to order, introduces speakers, and keeps the event running to time, making sure that everyone knows where they need to be and when. Much of the tone of a ceremonial event is set by the Beadle, since it is he who greets everyone, puts them at their ease and makes them feel special in what may be an unfamiliar environment.
Note: In March of 2021 I interviewed one of the City's Livery Beadles, James Hasler, who serves as Beadle to no fewer than four City of London Livery Companies and also works as a Toastmaster, auctioneer and professional events manager. The podcast recording of that interview may be listened to at this link. James and I subsequently co-delivered a lecture to London Historians entitled "Where Beadles Dare". James' website may be viewed at:
There are other Beadles (sometimes 'Esquire Bedell') to be found in some of the ancient universities in the UK and the Commonwealth, and these are ceremonial officers who keep the customs and traditions of the university in addition to performing a role similar to that of the Livery Company Beadle. However our exploration starts with that most ancient of City officers, the Ward Beadle.
The Ward Beadle
Each of the City's twenty-five wards has at least one Beadle, some of the larger wards have more than one Beadle (up to a maximum of three for the largest wards), but the norm is for a ward to have a single Beadle. The Ward Beadle is an office probably dating from the Anglo-Saxon period, and may be as ancient as that of Sheriff - nobody can say for certain.
The Ward Beadle (or Beadles) are nominated by the Alderman or Alderwoman for each ward and elected at the ward-moot with the Common Councilmen for each Ward. They serve as ceremonial officers who carry the ward's mace (otherwise kept in Guildhall) and assist the Aldermen in the performance of civic duties, especially during ceremonial events, meetings of Common Hall and during a ward-moot or any folk-moot as may be called. They wear a colourful ceremonial robe and tricorn hat, the colour of the gown varying from ward to ward.
In times past the Ward Beadle would maintain a list of the Freemen living in their ward, being those persons who were eligible to vote in elections to Common Council and for the Alderman. Since residents and business voters now form the electorate for the wards, this role has been absorbed into the responsibilities of the Corporation of London, specifically the Town Clerk's department.
Access to the Ward voting register also put the Beadle in the position collating lists of those residents considered to be gentry for when the Heralds conducted their visitations to inspect and enforce the lawful use of Heraldry. The Beadles would provide the Heralds with details of those residents of the Ward who were entitled to display a coat of arms. When the last visitation conducted by the Heralds of the College of Arms in the late 17th century almost one third of the voters in the City were deemed to be gentry.
The Ward Beadle also had responsibility for fining Freemen who failed to attend a ward-moot without sufficient cause. Theoretically this power still exists, but is never exercised.
The principal surviving duty of the Ward Beadle is that of opening each ward-moot, keeping order during proceedings and bringing the meeting to a close.
Another duty of the Ward Beadle is that of informing the Alderman of any person of 'bad and evil life' or hucksters of ale, or persons keeping a brothel. In this respect they are something akin to a police officer, or at least a watch keeper.
There are other Beadles (sometimes 'Esquire Bedell') to be found in some of the ancient universities in the UK and the Commonwealth, and these are ceremonial officers who keep the customs and traditions of the university in addition to performing a role similar to that of the Livery Company Beadle. However our exploration starts with that most ancient of City officers, the Ward Beadle.
The Ward Beadle
Each of the City's twenty-five wards has at least one Beadle, some of the larger wards have more than one Beadle (up to a maximum of three for the largest wards), but the norm is for a ward to have a single Beadle. The Ward Beadle is an office probably dating from the Anglo-Saxon period, and may be as ancient as that of Sheriff - nobody can say for certain.
The Ward Beadle (or Beadles) are nominated by the Alderman or Alderwoman for each ward and elected at the ward-moot with the Common Councilmen for each Ward. They serve as ceremonial officers who carry the ward's mace (otherwise kept in Guildhall) and assist the Aldermen in the performance of civic duties, especially during ceremonial events, meetings of Common Hall and during a ward-moot or any folk-moot as may be called. They wear a colourful ceremonial robe and tricorn hat, the colour of the gown varying from ward to ward.
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Ward Beadles of the City of London here seen outside Guildhall © Paul D Jagger |
In times past the Ward Beadle would maintain a list of the Freemen living in their ward, being those persons who were eligible to vote in elections to Common Council and for the Alderman. Since residents and business voters now form the electorate for the wards, this role has been absorbed into the responsibilities of the Corporation of London, specifically the Town Clerk's department.
Access to the Ward voting register also put the Beadle in the position collating lists of those residents considered to be gentry for when the Heralds conducted their visitations to inspect and enforce the lawful use of Heraldry. The Beadles would provide the Heralds with details of those residents of the Ward who were entitled to display a coat of arms. When the last visitation conducted by the Heralds of the College of Arms in the late 17th century almost one third of the voters in the City were deemed to be gentry.
The Ward Beadle also had responsibility for fining Freemen who failed to attend a ward-moot without sufficient cause. Theoretically this power still exists, but is never exercised.
The principal surviving duty of the Ward Beadle is that of opening each ward-moot, keeping order during proceedings and bringing the meeting to a close.
Another duty of the Ward Beadle is that of informing the Alderman of any person of 'bad and evil life' or hucksters of ale, or persons keeping a brothel. In this respect they are something akin to a police officer, or at least a watch keeper.
Ward Beadles can be assisting the Aldermen on occasions such as the Lord Mayors Show, the Silent Ceremony, and during Common Hall (election of the Sheriffs and the Lord Mayor). While the Ward Beadles are the most ancient of type, they are not the most numerous.
The Livery Company Beadle
Each of the City's 111 Livery Companies has a Beadle who may be a either full-time salaried employee, especially if the Company owns a hall, or more often a peripatetic freelancer working for several companies either paid a stipend or a day rate for their services.
The Livery Company Beadle
Each of the City's 111 Livery Companies has a Beadle who may be a either full-time salaried employee, especially if the Company owns a hall, or more often a peripatetic freelancer working for several companies either paid a stipend or a day rate for their services.
Livery Company Beadles, like their City brethren, are most often seen performing a ceremonial role by making announcements and carrying the Company's staff at the head of the procession during dinners, banquets, church services and other events.
Those companies which own a hall will usually, but not always, combine the role of Beadle with that of Hall Manager responsible for upkeep of the hall and safe keeping of the Company's treasures, robes and regalia - something akin to a caretaker while retaining the ceremonial and event management responsibilities. In the very largest halls the Beadle may also benefit from an apartment in the hall.
Livery Company Beadles are responsible for keeping order and ensuring that only members of Court are admitted to Court meetings, and only Liverymen of their Company are admitted to Common Hall. In this regard they perform a similar role to the Ward Beadle.
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Mr Alan O'Connor, Beadle to The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists. Image copyright Alan O'Connor |
Those companies which own a hall will usually, but not always, combine the role of Beadle with that of Hall Manager responsible for upkeep of the hall and safe keeping of the Company's treasures, robes and regalia - something akin to a caretaker while retaining the ceremonial and event management responsibilities. In the very largest halls the Beadle may also benefit from an apartment in the hall.
Livery Company Beadles are responsible for keeping order and ensuring that only members of Court are admitted to Court meetings, and only Liverymen of their Company are admitted to Common Hall. In this regard they perform a similar role to the Ward Beadle.
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Mr Paul Tredgett, Beadle to the Glovers' Company. Image copyright Paul D Jagger |
In times past when Livery Companies had many young apprentices in their charge, the Beadle was responsible for their discipline, and today a Company Beadle might have a quiet word in the ear of any Freeman or Liveryman who requires a bit of close quarter counselling on his or her dress, behaviour or timekeeping. If the Court of a Livery Company awards a fine for misbehaviour to one of the Company's Freemen or Liverymen, it is the Beadle who is responsible for administering the fine.
Perhaps it is for this reason that Livery Companies Beadles are often former police officers, non-commissioned officers, or warrant officers from the Armed Forces. Certainly the Beadle must be adaptable to deal with all manner of persons and situations.
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Livery Company Beadles during the annual Lord Mayor's Show. Image copyright Alan O'Connor |
During ceremonial events it is the Beadle who calls the gathering to order, introduces speakers, and keeps the event running to time, making sure that everyone knows where they need to be and when. Much of the tone of a ceremonial event is set by the Beadle, since it is he who greets everyone, puts them at their ease and makes them feel special in what may be an unfamiliar environment.
The Beadle will also announce guests to the receiving line and acts as the liaison between the host and the catering staff since he is the only person (other than the catering staff) who is permitted to move around the room during a formal dinner or banquet. The Beadle must be at home speaking with royalty, the Lord Mayor, masters of Livery Companies, bishops, politicians, judges, senior military officers, flustered guests and the youngest apprentice.
While the Beadle must be able to administer a quiet word from time to time his role is much aided if he has a thunderous voice that commands attention - a Beadle is often heard more than seen; never the less he usually wears a brightly coloured gown that often, but not always, echoes the colours of the Company's coat of arms unlike the Clerk's which is a sober legal gown based on that of a Barrister at Law. In addition a Beadle carries a staff of office [not to be confused with a mace] which may be raised up like a tour guide's umbrella to lead the way in church or during the entry and exit of the top table at a Livery Company dinner. Some Beadles wear a tudor bonnet, others a bicorn hat worn athwart.
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The Beadle is responsible for announcing the guests to the Master and the rest of the receiving line at Livery Company banquets. It helps if he has a loud voice. Image copyright Paul D Jagger |
While the Beadle must be able to administer a quiet word from time to time his role is much aided if he has a thunderous voice that commands attention - a Beadle is often heard more than seen; never the less he usually wears a brightly coloured gown that often, but not always, echoes the colours of the Company's coat of arms unlike the Clerk's which is a sober legal gown based on that of a Barrister at Law. In addition a Beadle carries a staff of office [not to be confused with a mace] which may be raised up like a tour guide's umbrella to lead the way in church or during the entry and exit of the top table at a Livery Company dinner. Some Beadles wear a tudor bonnet, others a bicorn hat worn athwart.
The Beadle must be a person of many talents, able to seamlessly adapt to a number of roles, and for those that manage a hall they will also have the responsibility of guiding visitors and guests, and perhaps liaison and negotiation with clients who hire the hall on a commercial basis.
Together the Ward and Livery Company Beadles of the City of London have their own Guild, which raises awareness of this ancient and multi-facetted office, one which has perhaps received less attention and importance than it should. You may discover more about the role and history of the Beadle at this website: Membership of the Guild is open to anyone who has served as a Beadle in the City of London for at least 3 months. The Guild is also a networking forum for Beadles to learn about up coming vacancies among the companies.
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Bicorn Hat worn by the Beadle of the Engineers' Company © Paul D Jagger |
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Beadle's Gown of the Grocers' Company © Paul D Jagger |
Beadles in the Chamberlain's Court deal with Freedom applications, and ensure the smooth and effective running of Freedom ceremonies. Photograph © Paul D Jagger.
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The Beadle must maintain a commanding but diplomatic presence no matter what the circumstances. Photo © Alan O'Connor. |
Together the Ward and Livery Company Beadles of the City of London have their own Guild, which raises awareness of this ancient and multi-facetted office, one which has perhaps received less attention and importance than it should. You may discover more about the role and history of the Beadle at this website: Membership of the Guild is open to anyone who has served as a Beadle in the City of London for at least 3 months. The Guild is also a networking forum for Beadles to learn about up coming vacancies among the companies.
What about female Beadles?
There is no restriction on the role of Beadle being held by a man. Several of the City wards now have female Beadles who assist the Alderman or Alderwoman for their ward. It seems certain that the Livery Companies will follow suit as they have regarding female Masters and Clerks.
Note: Cambridge University also has its Junior and Senior Esquire Bedells, in recent years these roles have been fulfilled by women.
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The Junior Esquire Bedell of Cambridge University carrying the University's silver plated ebony mace © Paul D Jagger |
Want to learn more about the Livery Companies and the City of London?
The City of London Freeman's Guide is the definitive concise guide to the City of London and its ancient and modern Livery Companies, their customs, traditions, officers, events and landmarks. Available in full colour hardback and eBook formats and now in its fifth or Platinum Jubilee edition. The guide is available online from Apple (as an eBook), Amazon (in hardback or eBook) Payhip (in ePub format) or Etsy (in hardback or hardback with the author's seal attached). Also available from all major City of London tourist outlets and bookstores. Bulk purchase enquiries are welcome from Livery Companies, Guilds, Ward Clubs and other City institutions and businesses.
The City of London Freeman's Guide is the definitive concise guide to the City of London and its ancient and modern Livery Companies, their customs, traditions, officers, events and landmarks. Available in full colour hardback and eBook formats and now in its fifth or Platinum Jubilee edition. The guide is available online from Apple (as an eBook), Amazon (in hardback or eBook) Payhip (in ePub format) or Etsy (in hardback or hardback with the author's seal attached). Also available from all major City of London tourist outlets and bookstores. Bulk purchase enquiries are welcome from Livery Companies, Guilds, Ward Clubs and other City institutions and businesses.
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The City of London Freeman's Guide, 6th or Sovereign's edition |
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